Overview Microsoft Excel has the functionality to create data visualizations. Da

Microsoft Excel has the functionality to create data visualizations. Data visualizations help understand the relationships within the data. You will build on this assignment for Project One, in which you will create visualizations to tell your data story to your client.
Follow the steps for the scenario from your textbook, linked in the Supporting Materials section, to complete this assignment.
Use the Module Two Data Set, linked in the Supporting Materials section, to correctly customize data visualizations targeted for the scenario. This assignment uses a complete/incomplete rubric. If your data visualizations do not match the two contained within the textbook, course GPA and total number of each grade earned, rework the steps until you reach the correct data visualizations. You will also need to accurately calculate specific outcomes related to Edgard’s grades.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Create an accurate line chart for Edgard’s course GPA with all 16 data points. Include the following detail in your response: Title of chart as it is in the textbook
Create an accurate column chart for the total number of each grade earned for Edgard. Include the following detail in your response: Title of chart as it is in the textbook
Calculate each outcome accurately using Excel functions. Include the following details in your response: Overall GPA for three semesters
Median (midpoint) of Edgard’s GPA
Mode (most frequently occurring) of the course GPA earned
What to Submit
Submit the Module Two Data Set file with the completed visualizations. Include both charts and calculated outcomes on the Edgard Grades tab within the Excel file next to the data set.
Supporting Materials
The following resources support your work on this assignment:
Textbook Scenario: Let’s Walk Through It 13.5: Using Descriptive Analytics With Grades
Follow the steps in this scenario to complete this assignment.
Data Set: Module Two Data Set
This Excel file contains the same info from Edgard’s transcript that’s in the Let’s Walk Through it 13.5 scenario.
Video: Excel Function Video: How to Create a Line Chart in Excel (1:20)
This video will teach you how to create a line chart in Excel. Line charts are used to display trends over time.
Video: Excel Function Video: How to Create a Column Chart in Excel (3:10)
This video will teach you how to create a column chart in Excel. Column charts are used to display data changes over time and to illustrate comparisons of the data.
Website: AVERAGE Function
This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the AVERAGE function in Microsoft Excel.
Website: MEDIAN Function
This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the MEDIAN function in Microsoft Excel.
Website: MODE Function
This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the MODE function in Microsoft Excel.

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