On the opening splash window, select the option for sample files and open the cr

On the opening splash window, select the option for sample files and open the credit scoring data file “tree_credit.sav”
Using the assigned “tree_credit.sav” data set, complete the following – number your answers as indicated (3 pts each)
What are the variables and what are their measures? What do the measures tell you about each of these variables?
Use the frequencies command to create a table for the ordinal variable. Copy and paste it into your document. What is the variable and what is the most frequently observed value?
Use the frequencies command to create a histogram for the scale variable(s). Be sure to uncheck the box for the frequency table. Copy and paste the histogram into your document. What does the histogram tell you about this data?
Use the frequencies command to calculate the minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation for the age variable. Copy and paste the results into your document. What do the minimum and maximum tell you for this specific variable?
Use the compare means command to calculate the mean ages (dependent variable) for the different credit rating groups (independent variable). Copy and paste the table into your document. What do the results indicate about any differences between the credit rating groups?

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