Then look in your bag, at the tags on your clothing, at your cell phone, etc. a

Then look in your bag, at the tags on your clothing, at your cell phone, etc. and choose at least one item to explore.
Look at the tags and find out where the item was made.
Then do some research about the object and where it was manufactured.
Then answer the following questions in your initial discussion board post!
Write an original 350-word post that answers the following questions:
What object did you choose?
Where was it made?
What did you learn about manufacturing of your product in its country of production?
What did you learn in general about the countries/region where the objects was made?
For those objects not made in the United States, why do you think these objects were made overseas?
Who profits and who suffers from this overseas production? Why? (think about what you read about global inequality, poverty, etc)
Do you read the labels about where your products are made? (Do you care where your products are made?). Why or why not?
APA citations

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