2-3 sentences per questions. Should total 420 words. Summarize the development o

2-3 sentences per questions. Should total 420 words.
Summarize the development of the airplane between its invention in 1903 up to World War II. List the major firsts that the airplane made during this time period.
What were the major differences in the airplane between World War I and World War II?
How did the airplane develop during the interwar years (1919-1939)?
How were the Germans and Japanese able to make their successes early in the war with the use of airplanes? Cite examples from the video.
How did German supply lines differ from that of the United States? Who was at an advantage? Why?
What were the challenges that the United States had in reaching Japan during the war? How would a long range bomber have helped in overcoming these challenges?
What are some of the differences between fighter airplanes and bombers? What advantages and disadvantages did they both have?

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