INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer at least two of the following questions about this w

Please answer at least two of the following questions about this week’s reading (you can answer more, but two is the minimum). Your Reading Response must be at least 250 words in total.
What is the author’s main aim? That is, what thesis are they trying to establish?
What are the main themes or concepts of the text(s)?
What do you find most interesting and compelling about the text(s), and why?
What questions emerged for you after reading the text(s)?
How does the text(s) connect to other course readings and discussions?
Can you see any weaknesses in the author’s argument? Explain what you think the weakness is.
Here are some guiding questions that will help you identify the key components of the reading:
(DO NOT answer these following questions, just there to help guide you read)
In Book 1 (about 1098a) Aristotle is explaining what he thinks is the function of a human being. According to Aristotle, what is the function of a human being?
According to Aristotle, do virtues help something carry out its function well?
In Book 2 (around 1106a-1107a) Aristotle explains how a virtue is related to the vices. According to Aristotle, how is a virtue related to the vices (hint: think about what he says about excesses, deficits, and the intermediate).

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