In Week 1 Content, a short section is available from a textbook, They Say/I Say:

In Week 1 Content, a short section is available from a textbook, They Say/I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing with Readings by Graff and Birkenstein. Please read over that section. As you read over the material, take notes on your response to it. You will use those notes in your response to this discussion.
Consider the following questions at you take notes:
What is the article’s main point? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
What does your experience tell you about this situation?
Do the template strategies introduced work? Why? Why not?
What does the evidence say?
In this discussion topic, you will post a short descriiption of, section of, and response to, Graff and Birkenstein’s material.
1. After reading over the Graff and Birkenstein material and taking notes on your response, please post a short paragraph of Graff and Birkenstein’s argument about academic writing. In other words, you are describing, in a short paragraph, what Graff and Birkenstein say in this chapter.
2. The chapter has a list of templates from pages 22-27. Copy and paste one of these templates into this discussion post response. Then write a single sentence explaining how the template is meant to be used, according to Graff and Birkenstein.
3. Choose one sample from one of the templates. Write your own sentence, filing in the blanks.

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