This group will create a brief scenario of a real or imagined problem in the com

This group will create a brief scenario of a real or imagined problem in the community, or in an agency, or within a program and then demonstrate what could be learned about needs assessment by: a) preparing an outline of a realistic assessment (methodology) process for your scenario; b) identifying what you hope to learn from the process; c) drafting a set of questions you would want to ask; d) preparing a PowerPoint presentation of at least six slides, and e) providing a reference list of at least three peer-reviewed articles on this week’s topic that you recommend to the class. In a sentence for each reference, explain why it has been recommended to your classmates.
I live in Indiana on the south side. Also, I am a social worker working with community mental health. Please make the power point meet all the requirements and the paper to hit on all the material. Also, please please make it more detailed and please make it appealing PowerPoint that is fun and appealing!
Thank you for everything!

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