The primary diagnosis for this patient at this time is hypothyroidism (E03.09) (ICD10, 2022).

Great seeing you last night. Our next class will be on November 9, 2021, same time. In this class we will move from the whole organization and move to specific positions. Looking at developing positions, analyzing positions and starting the recruitment process. We have included several web sites that will be a good resource. Here are some quick notes for the class
3.1 – Job Descriiptions – has you look at jobs. Visit the link to Career One Stop it has hundreds of different occupations with links to colleges, universities and technical schools that train for the occupation (great recruitment source). Pick an occupation and see what it offers.
3.2 – Job Analysis – has you examine the process of job analysis. Exhibit 6.1 on page 146 in the text provides a model for the job analysis process. Also, there is a power point presentation that provides and overview of the process
3.3 – Recruitment – looks at the process of planning and executing recruitment for a position. Reading include Chapter 7 pages 181 – 200 – remember the goal of a successful recruitment effort is to generate a pool of highly qualified candidates for a position
3.4 Activity – Job Analysis/Recruitment – This assignment initially had to obtain a job attached a position descriiption you can use for the assignment. Working in pairs, review the position descriiption, look at the web site O*Net (this is an excellent resources as well) it will provide you a review of the position as well as competencies needed to be successful in the occupation
Your assignment is to work with your partner
Review the position in O*Net
Identify several key competencies applicants must have upon selection
Identity 4-5 bullet points on where and how you would recruit for the position
As requested, I have provided a list of topics to consider for your literature review:
Suggested Literature Review Topics
Vaccine Aversion: Impact on Healthcare Management
Importance of Human Resources Management in Improving Overall Patient Health Outcomes.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Today’s Healthcare Institutions
The Challenges of Technology Adoption in Healthcare
Defining Healthcare’s Workforce for The Future
An Exodus Among Healthcare Workers

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