Forum 2-2: Academic Content PURPOSE This exercise is designed to help you st

Forum 2-2: Academic Content

This exercise is designed to help you start thinking about potential strategies by introducing you to different strategy classifications.
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Review the “Snow Card Method” that Ebner and Smith (2015) describe in Step Four. Subsequently, find and describe a current (within the past five years) example of a strategy that would fall into each of the categories listed below.

Programs, products, or services
Organizational processes
Recruitment of new talent
Employee relations
Training needs
Reward structure
Information Technology
The use of periodicals such as the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Forbes, Industry Week, Dun’s Business Month, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, and Inc. magazine (or other industry-specific sources) is recommended and should help you identify organizations that have recently implemented a strategy from each of the following categories. Please make sure to properly reference all sources.

Your initial post must include at least three (3) scholarly sources (book or peer-reviewed journal article), properly cited and listed according to current APA style guidelines. For this specific discussion forum, high-quality internet sources are allowed, but must likewise be properly cited and listed according to current APA style guidelines.
digital_copies_of_sources_used = 0
plagiarism = 0
pref_writer = 0
urgent_writer_assign = 0
version = 4; Technical line. Don’t touch!

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