Watch the Movie Matchstick Men Choose a show or movie to watch. Identify a chara

Watch the Movie Matchstick Men
Choose a show or movie to watch. Identify a character to pose as your client who you
feel would provide you enough information to complete a full clinical assessment on.
Some of the information you can make up or create, if it is not directly told to you during
the show/movie. You will complete the “Character Assessment Template” in significant
detail and with complete sentences, using the clients name instead of the word “client”
and will ensure each category is addressed. This file template is in the “files” tab on
CANVAS. It outlines each category that needs to be assessed. There is another file
uploaded that is titled “Character Detailed Assessment.” I have gone through and
provided what each category is looking for, examples, example questions to ask, etc. so
you have a better understanding of the information you are looking for.
Once the assessment in concluded, I want you to decide which “theory/modality” you
feel would therapeutically be beneficial for your identified client/character. For example,
if you chose “CBT-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy” why did you choose that theory? Why
do you feel it would work or provide benefit to your client? What would your role as a
counselor be when administering this theory?
Treatment plan:
This is going to be very basic and surface level. But, within the theory that you chose,
what are some treatment plan goals and objectives you feel you could implement to
help this client?
Goal: Decrease the intensity and frequency of depressive episodes
Intervention objectives: (list 3)
1. Journal for at least 15 minutes per day
1. Short term objective: complete a though-record journal provided by
this therapist
2. Complete thought-stopping worksheets
2. Identify a healthy routine that includes healthy eating and exercise
3. Work out for at least 15 minutes per day
Goal: improve relationships with others
Intervention objective: (List 3)
1. Spend time with a positive support for a half hour one time per week
2. Call a friend at least one time per day
3. Attend a church service one time per week
Again, yours does not have to be significantly detailed, but have a goal and intervention
for each goal. You can research treatment plan goals and “counseling treatment
planning” to give you some ideas. You will also find uploaded files on CANVAS about
treatment planning to help guide your thought process.
Lastly, do you foresee any ethical dilemmas that your client has reported, collateral
sources have reported to you, or any issues arising in the future when working with this
client? How would you respond? What actions would you take?
I understand, not every single category is going to be able to be answered, as not all
information will be provided in the movie/show. You will need to be creative, think
outside the box, provide “made up” information for the assessment and potential ethical
issues, etc.
This assignment will take some time and I except thorough, detailed, work to be done
on this as it is combining all that we have learned this semester into one assignment. I
am making this assignment worth 200 points because I expect exceptional work to be
done with this project.
Attached are resources to use along with a template

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