The student will be responsible for teaching the material a) Briefly summarize (

The student will be responsible for teaching the material
a) Briefly summarize (like an abstract present the key perspective, methods if research,
findings or key concepts, and what the article or chapter adds to our understanding)
b) Outline and define key concepts
c) Discuss the approach/methods/theory (depending on whether research, practice or
theoretical article).
d) Review the key findings and implications—what does this add to our understanding?
What are the limitations?
e) Optional: Prepare 1-3 questions or other strategies to engage the class
f) Presentations will be about 10-20 minutes (depending on complexity of material) and
include a one-page summary outline including key concepts/points.
(1) Students may use PowerPoint, media, the black board or discuss and describe as
per the outline.
3. Prepare a one-page outline
a. The summary will be posted on Classes, Forum under the relevant topic folder
i. Include the full reference to the chapter or article (APA style)
Article presentation will be based on :

Sexual Trauma in the Military: Exploring PTSD and Mental Health CareUtilization in Female Veterans – Sara Kintzle, Ashley C. Schuyler, Diana Ray-Letourneau, Sara M. Ozuna, Christopher Munch,Elizabeth Xintarianos, Anthony M. Hasson, and Carl A. Castro

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