Until the advent of the Me Too Movement, feminism often had a problematic name.

Until the advent of the Me Too Movement, feminism often had a problematic name.
Many people, including university students, would say, “I’m not a feminist but…. “
More recently, millions of Americans and others have come to see that women’s issues
and feminism generally can no longer be demonized by hateful and irrational language,
although such language clearly persists. More and more, Susan Faludi’s perfectly
rational definition of feminism in her groundbreaking 1991 book BACKLASH has
become increasingly accepted:
Its agenda is basic: It asks that women not be forced to choose between public justice
and private happiness. It asks that women be free to define themselves -–instead of
having their identity defined for them, time and again, by their culture and their men.
This has become especially prominent since the United States Supreme Court last
summer in its Dobbs decision overturned the Roe v. Wade precedent that had
guaranteed women the right to abortion. Both women and men in increasing numbers
began agitating (and voting) for women’s right to control their own bodies without
governmental interference. The feminist movement continues to work vigorously in
the United States in the early decades of the new century. Among many other
contemporary feminist issues besides abortion and reproductive rights are (2) the glass
ceiling and continuing disparities of pay between men and women; (3) sexual
harassment and assault; and (4) demeaning images of women in advertising and other
media. In your view, which of these four feminist issues do you think should be
pursued in the early years of the third decade of the 21st century? Specify one (OR
choose another) and indicate why your selection should be most vigorously
emphasized. What forms, if any, of agitation and social protest do you think should be used in order to implement any changes in this area of women’s concerns? (Be sure not to neglect this second part of the question).
There is no”correct answer per se. Effective, well-supported, clearly written essays may be constructed from a variety of perspectives.
Please use these two sources in your explanation- The sixties papers: Documents of a Rebellious Decade, and This Might Dream: Social Protest Movements in the United States. If you do not have access to them, I can upload a google drive with the files.

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