Analyze and evaluate the Porr and Zimmerman articles for their credibility as a doctoral research source.

Read the Porr and Zimmerman articles (see Learning Activities folder).
Analyze and evaluate the Porr and Zimmerman articles for their credibility as a doctoral research source.
Complete the table below. The first row has been completed as an example.
Complete the Source Comparison Worksheet.
A well-structured scholarly paragraph contains a minimum of 5 sentences.
Reminder: Before submitting your assignment, proof-read for grammatical and sentence structure and re-read the assignment descriiption and refer to the attached rubric to ensure each element of the assignment has been addressed.
Based on the readings, write a 125-word evaluative discussion on the differences and similarities between management and leadership styles. Use the pre-formatted pages following this page.
Include in-text citations and a reference list.

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