Discuss the u.s. role in global public health.

The United States health care system is the most expensive in the world; the U.S. does not have a uniform health system, has no universal health care coverage, and only recently enacted legislation mandating healthcare coverage for almost everyone. The cost and quality of the U.S. healthcare system is also a prominent issue facing everyday Americans. A comprehensive healthcare system comparison across countries is one of the most powerful drivers of health systems improvement as it demands transparency and accountability and provides policymakers, analysts, and the public with some insight on how America’s healthcare system compares to others and raise awareness of the associated opportunities and pitfalls.
For this assignment you (as group), need to create a PowerPoint presentation and record a video response that is 20 minutes in length addressing the following:
Identify the roles and functions of major global public health and development organizations.
Discuss the U.S. role in global public health.
Identify and evaluate specific public health and health service delivery problems.
As a group you will each be responsible for giving an informative group PowerPoint presentation this semester. This assignment will test your small group communication skills, your organizational proficiency, and your ability to incorporate any and all necessary information in order to give an in- depth understanding of the designated topic.
Presentation requirements include the following:
Communicate with each other via emails and group your-selves into 2 students per group. Groups will develop a group contract, which lays out the role of each student, expectations for members. All items in the group contract are subject to my approval.
As mentioned earlier, this presentation will be 20 minutes in length. Please adhere to the presentation length; for every 60 seconds over or under that time frame, you will see a point deduction equal to half a point of the final score for this task.
The power point presentation should integrate facts and data on the topic you selected and should incorporate effective visual aid throughout the presentation (i.e., pictures, graphs).
Groups should use the textbook as a base for the presentation.
Also, should use external materials found from an academic proper literature search. Please cite and reference at least 4 separate, credible sources in the body of the speech.Videos use within your presentation is not recommended. If you need to include a short video to bring movement, pictures and sound into your presentation then you need to elaborate and explain the use of such video and discuss in details the content and always make sure that the clip is directly relevant to your content and tied up with the rest of the presentation. Tell your audience what to look for. Avoid showing any more film than you need.
When designing the PowerPoint, slides should include:
The title slide must show the presenter’s name and each slide must have a title on it.
If you use photos that are not created by you reference it appropriately.
No plagiarism!
The final slide must include a bibliography in APA style format that lists all your sources.

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