Describe these needs.

Exam Content
Last week you completed Part 1 of your needs assessment, in which you collected information about your target population by reading literature and conducting an interview(s).
This week you will complete Part 2, by synthesizing this information with your research topic/question. Although you will not actually complete this study, think about how you could use this information to create a program that would address the needs you’ve identified.
Write a 2,100- to 2,800-word needs assessment.
Use the following sections to organize your paper:
Summarize the target population:
Use your knowledge of your community to provide context and illustrate the dynamics of the population.
You may wish to incorporate details like
social structure,
community culture,
values, and
even its infrastructure.
Examples of a target population:
trauma survivors
preschool children with autism-spectrum disorders
adults in a substance-abuse treatment program
homeless individuals
client advocates
human services professionals
Describe this population’s perceived need(s).
Incorporate relevant research from your literature review in the
Week 5 Needs Assessment Part 1 assignment.
If necessary, read additional articles on the topic so you are well-versed in the needs of a particular population.
As needed, include existing data from published studies in this section of your report.
Summarize what you learned from your interview related to needs, current status, or strategies.
Describe the current status of the population in your community.
For example, if you are interested in addressing the needs of homeless people in your community, describe the services and resources currently available and accessible to this population. Many needs may already be met by existing programs and services. Describe these needs.
You might also wish to describe the evolution of the population. What changes has this population experienced in recent years? What has remained the same? How might the population change in the future?
Create one additional strategy for collecting information about the needs of the target population (in addition to reading literature and interviewing specialists).
For example, you may decide to administer a questionnaire or organize a focus group. Discuss your strategy in detail. If there is already a validated questionnaire that is relevant to the group you are assessing, describe it. If not, describe the type of instrument that would be useful in assessing the needs of the target population. For additional information on needs assessment strategies, conduct additional internet research.
Create a general plan for data analysis.
Although you will not actually collect data, determine which approach (mixed methods, survey, or action research) you would most likely use. Provide rationale for your answer.
Once you have collected data, either qualitative or quantitative, you need to analyze and interpret it. Explain how you would do this.
Describe 1-2 potential interventions or strategies for addressing your target population’s need(s).
Typically, the next step in a needs assessment is to analyze the data and use the results to plan appropriate interventions. Because you are only planning and not actually conducting a needs assessment, you will not have actual data to analyze and use. However, you may still anticipate the needs of a given population by reflecting on the information you have gathered
For example, if the information you gleaned from research articles and your key informant suggests that the homeless population in your community needs education on existing mental health services, you may develop a plan for helping the homeless population learn more about community mental health services currently available to them. In other words, you can devise a strategy for increasing awareness of mental health services. Keep in mind your plan will be general and tentative because you have not actually analyzed data.
Cite a minimum of five scholarly references.
Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.
Submit (1) your assignment AND (2) the interview consent form completed by the expert you interviewed. Here is the link to the University of Phoenix Interview Consent Form
Any communication that cannot be directly retrieved by a reader is considered “personal communication.” Emails, phone conversations, text messages, and social media messages are all examples of personal communication. You do not include personal communication in your reference list; instead, parenthetically cite the communicator’s name, the phrase “personal communication,” and the date of the communication in your main text only.
(E. Robbins, personal communication, January 4, 2019).
If you reference personal communication in a footnote, as is common practice in certain fields and publications, you can document it in the same way.
P. Smith (personal communication, November 3, 2019) also claimed that many of her students had difficulties with APA style.
Although you do not need to cite personal communication, do try to locate a source when possible. For example, if your friend told you about a research study he heard on a podcast, and you want to include that information in your essay, it is best to cite the original podcast, rather than the communication with your friend.

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