Article review assignment instructions

article review for the below article:
Radoglou Grammatikis, P. I., Sarigiannidis, P. G., & Moscholios, I. D. (2019). Securing the Internet of Things: Challenges, threats and solutions. Internet of Things, 5, 41–70.
Instructions is as follows:
The Article Review Assignment for this course is about some of the reviewing any peer-reviewed article in security engineering. You will write three 750-word article review papers in current APA format that focus on security engineering. Each article review must include 7 references including the course textbook and the Bible.
Your Outline must include the following 3 items:
1. A brief (at least 3–4 bullets with 1–2 sentences per bullet) overview of the research paper.
2. A list of at least 3 questions you intend your research to ask and hopefully answer. (These must be questions that will require you to draw conclusions from your research.)
3. At least 7 initial research sources. (These can be the title and author of a publication or the link to an online source.)
In addition to your outline, a bibliography of at least 7 sources must be completed as well. During your research, if any substantial changes to your objective(s) are necessary, communicate with your instructor via email. Be sure to use current APA formatting for the outline and bibliography.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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