Describe one systemic policy that impacts social mobility in the u.s.

Address the following prompt in a 1-2 page response (double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins). Use readings and other class materials to support your statements; you must cite your sources in-text using citations from the list provided below (a reference page is not necessary). You can’t just cite the same source of information throughout the entire paper. Remember, the goal of these reflections are to use the information from class readings and videos to support your ideas so make sure you are including citations from at least two class readings and any relevant videos you are discussing.
Social stratification and economic inequality are systemic aspects of culture that reflect how wealth, power, and prestige are distributed in society. Robert Reich’s documentary “Inequality for All” discusses the widening economic inequality in America and increasing struggles of the middle class. Why does the middle class appear to be shrinking in the U.S., and how does this impact the economy as a whole? Reich emphasizes that all markets operate in regulated networks and identifies specific policies that have eroded power among American workers (e.g. declining labor unions, corporate lobbying for direct political power, etc.). Describe one systemic policy that impacts social mobility in the U.S.
You are only suppose to use these sources. I have included the link next to the citations, as well as attached the textbook to the files section.
(do not bold in-text citations in your paper, they are bolded here simply for emphasis)
– To cite Guest Chapter 10 “Class and Inequality” use (Guest Ch.10, 2020)
– To cite the video “Inequality for All” use (Kornbluth, 2013) * Link:
– To cite the video “Explained: the Racial Wealth Gap” use (Klein & Posner, 2018) * Link:

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