Discussion 4-Thesis Statement & Main Points No unread replies. No replies. Writi

Discussion 4-Thesis Statement & Main Points
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Writing the Thesis statement & Main Points
Please post your response to this Discussion no later than 11:59pm on Sun, 10/3, and respond to at least two classmates’ posts. You will not be able to see your classmates’ posts until after you post your initial response.
Step 1. View the OWL Purdue Writing Lab website: Developing Strong Thesis Statements
(Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)
Step 2. Watch the video:
How to Write a Thesis Statement
(Links to an external site.)
Step 3. We are now beginning to build the framework for the Term paper due on 12/8/21. Revisit the Term paper assignment you viewed last week: Term paper assignment.docx
Download Term paper assignment.docx
Step: 4 Be sure you have selected your topic for the Term paper. The topic you select now will be the same topic you will build upon for the remainder of the course.
Step 5. Based on the topic you selected to write about for the Term paper assignment, complete the outline (See the two examples below).
Topic: State the topic in one complete sentence.
Thesis statement: State the purpose of the essay in one sentence. This sentence will be the same or very similar to the Topic sentence AND MUST INCLUDE “SHOULD” OR “SHOULD NOT”.
Main Point #1: In one sentence, state the 1st Main Point that supports your thesis statement. This usually answers the “Why?”
Main Point #2: In one sentence, state the 2nd Main Point that supports your thesis statement. Again, this usually answers the “Why?”
Main Point #3: In one sentence, state the 3rd Main Point that supports your thesis statement.
Main Point #4 (In one sentence, state the 4th Main Point that supports your thesis statement.
Main Point #5: (In one sentence, state the 5th Main Point that supports your thesis statement.
**Please remember to use academic language: Informal vs Formal Writing-2.doc
Download Informal vs Formal Writing-2.doc
1st Outline Example:
Topic (one sentence): Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) should require students to take English 101.
Thesis Statement (one sentence): All students attending Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) should be required to take English 101.
Now, choose five reasons you believe state WHY “All students attending Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) should be required to take English 101”.
Main point 1 (one sentence): All students attending Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) should be required to take English 101 to develop critical thinking skills.
Main point 2 (one sentence): All students attending Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) should be required to take English 101 to improve their writing skills.
Main point 3 (one sentence): All students attending Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) should be required to take English 101 to expand their vocabulary.
Main point 4 (one sentence): All students attending Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) should be required to take English 101 to expose them to the different genres of writing.
Main point 5 (one sentence): All students attending Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) should be required to take English 101 to ensure they can transfer to any accredited college/university.
2nd Outline Example:
Topic (one sentence): People should wear masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thesis statement (one sentence): People living in the United States should responsively wear face masks to help decrease the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Main Point #1 (one sentence): Wearing a face mask has been proven to decrease the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Main Point #2: (one sentence): Wearing a face mask shows people are being accountable and responsible for protecting themselves and others from contracting the virus.
Main Point #3 (one sentence): Not wearing a face mask causes discord, mistrust, and hysteria throughout communities.
Main Point #4 (one sentence): People must unites and work together to effectively battle the pandemic.
Main Point #5: (one sentence): Wearing a face mask is not cost prohibitive or difficult to wear, and it can even be fashionable.

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