Doing research on your topic

This assignment involves several steps:
Brainstorming and submitting a research question or working thesis
Doing research on your topic
Writing and submitting a first draft
Peer review
Final draft
You must:
Write an essay of 1000 words that makes an argument about a topic that I’ve approved.
This essay must:
thoroughly develop a clear and appropriately detailed thesis
integrate citations from at least THREE reliable sources that support your argument (it may be useful to review the MLA In-Text Citation Video).
Use MLA 8 for all citations and include an appropriately formatted Works Cited page (it may be helpful to review the MLA Works Cited Video).Remember: a thesis consists of both an arguable statement, which takes a position on a debatable topic and a brief but detailed reason(s) for taking this position. Your body paragraphs should each focus on developing one point that supports your thesis.

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