Did their experiences in california suggest that they had achieved their purposes in coming here?

Your term paper for this course will be a short writing project based on Wheeler and Becker, Discovering
the American Past, 5th ed., Chapter 11, “A Nation of Immigrants: The Fourth Wave in California.”
Download the documents and background material from Canvas.(Attached below)

Your paper should answer the following research questions:

Why did these immigrants come to California? Did their experiences in California suggest that
they had achieved their purposes in coming here?

You will not need to do any additional outside research to complete this assignment. Indeed, you should
use only the 14 sources provided as evidence in the chapter.The paper should be based only on your
interpretations of these sources—not on the Rolle/Verge text, lectures, or other outside sources. The
sections in the chapter on “The Method” and “Questions to Consider” will provide you with helpful
guidance on how to evaluate the sources of evidence and how to draw conclusions from them.

Be sure that your paper has the following parts:

•Introduction.A paragraph that provides a brief introduction to the paper topic and includes your thesis
statement. Your thesis should be your answer to the research question. ***The thesis statement
must be in bold-face text.***

•Body.Several paragraphs in which you present evidence and examples drawn from the sources—along
with your own analysis and interpretation—to support your thesis.

•Conclusion.A paragraph that sums up your main arguments and brings the paper to a close.


The main body of your paper should be no fewer than 4 and no more than 5 typed, numbered, double-
spaced pages, with standard margins. The paper should also contain a title page and bibliography (in
addition to the 4-5 pages of text).

Citing your evidence: You will use the Chicago Manual of Style format for footnotes and bibliography.
Each of the documents provided has a Chicago citation. Use those citations for each source you use in
the paper, rather than citing Wheeler and Becker.

Before you turn in your paper, give it a careful proofreading. Since the paper is short, I expect it to be
free of spelling, typing, punctuation, and grammar errors. Work on making your writing clear, succinct,
and active.You should edit and revise multiple drafts before submitting in the final draft.

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