Make sure next to each number you also tell me what makes that particular attitude cognitively or affectively based.

Cognitively based attitudes and affectively based attitudes were discussed in lecture and are covered in your textbook. As you live your life over the next couple of days I want you to pay attention to your attitudes, determining whether a given attitude you experience is more cognitively based or more affectively based.
Specifically, for the assignment you are to number from one to ten, then for each number identify your attitude and whether you think it is cognitively or affectively based. Make sure next to each number you also tell me what makes that particular attitude cognitively or affectively based.
For example:
1. Thursday evening on my drive home I saw a red, 1978 Stingray Corvette. My evaluation was positive. This is an affectively based attitude because when I was younger my favorite aunt used to drive me around in her red Corvette and I have great memories of those times.

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