How are linguistic signs combined with visual ones?what is happening in society at this time that we see reflected in the works of art?or, how are arbitrary signs, unconventional signage, oppositional signs, politically charged signs, and the “primitive” used in avant garde art?please discuss at least two of the moodle readings in comparison with at least two works of art.

Essay, 3-5 pages, approximately 1,000-1,200 words.Submit a WordDoc Essay, 3-5 pages, approximately 1,000-1,200 words. Please write on one question.Please analyse at least two Moodle readings.Discuss works of art (2-3) in conjunction with the readings and use formal analysis.Please do not mechanically answer the questions but consider them as starting points for your essay. Use the citation method with which you are familiar.Due October 20, 2022.
1. Power
How does art respond to authority, society, and capitalism?Do art works challenge these, and how? What power does the artist have with respect to society and the class system?What is the role of the avant garde?Please discuss at least two of the Moodle readings in comparison with at least two works of art.
2.Style masters
What claims do the artists and writers we’ve studied make for aesthetic choices? How does art deviate from the norms of society or the Salon? What is truth to the medium, and why is it important? Why are dangerous women frequently depicted? Please discuss at least two of the Moodle readings in comparison with at least two works of art.
3. 20th century signs
How are linguistic signs combined with visual ones?What is happening in society at this time that we see reflected in the works of art?Or, how are arbitrary signs, unconventional signage, oppositional signs, politically charged signs, and the “primitive” used in avant garde art?Please discuss at least two of the Moodle readings in comparison with at least two works of art.
Google drive with artwork images…

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