Is it possible that the effects could transfer to future generations?

Option 1: If hormones and neurotransmitters are important for romantic emotions, maybe drugs could be created that would promote or inhibit the feeling of love. Would it be possible to create a “Love Potion Number 9”, like the song suggests? Is chocolate possibly a food that stimulates romance by tweaking our brain chemicals? Do you think it would be possible to invent a drug to help people get over a break up? Which chemicals would be affected in these situations? Finally, would it be morally acceptable to stimulate or inhibit relationships by intervening with chemicals?
Option 2: Harry Harlow’s research showed that monkeys who were deprived of a maternal presence were distressed and socially impaired. He didn’t have the technology to examine the possible neurobiology of having no attachment. Speculate on what you think might have occurred in Harlow’s monkeys in regard to oxytocin and vasopressin. How long lasting would these effects be? Is it possible that the effects could transfer to future generations? Finish by addressing how understanding this brain chemistry might be helpful to assist children who grow up in abusive or neglectful homes.
Option 3: During a recent Supreme Court hearing, it was suggested that adoption is easy for pregnant mothers living in difficult circumstances. This is a half truth. On an emotional level, it can be very difficult to give up a baby for adoption. Likewise, losing a pregnancy through miscarriage or children dying during birth can be emotionally traumatic events. This week’s topic might explain why these events are so upsetting. Speculate about what is occurring at a hormonal level that might explain why these child loss situations so emotionally difficult. Try to relate the emotions to biology.

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