This course entails one research paper (10-12 pages paper or 5000 words excluding bibliography), which you will submit in three portions throughout the course.

This course entails one research paper (10-12 pages paper or 5000 words excluding bibliography), which
you will submit in three portions throughout the course. There will be no midterm or final exam, instead,
you will be asked to write only three-term papers (approx. 1500 words each), in other words, you will write three short papers related to one large question and revise them nicely into one research article, which would
be your final research paper. Each paper must be developed with the instructor, and the title of your paper
must be approved by the instructor. For format, consult the MLA Style (as noted below).
In the 10-12 pages paper, you will be asked to compare an aspect of Hinduism, Jainism, and Christianity.
During the course, I will give instructions explaining the final paper as the course proceeds. In the papers,
students will provide his/her own comparative analysis and explication of key ideas referencing primary
texts. Each paper will include citations and a bibliography of at least ten-seven items, only four of which
may be course materials, meaning you need to do your own research to acquire the additional articles/books.
(If you want to use a website as a resource you will need to get the Instructor’s approval beforehand.) You
are encouraged to visit me during office hours with any questions, and in some instances, you may be
requested to do so.
This writing assignment will be conducted in three stages (see syllabus schedule for due dates):

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