How are marginalized communities represented in our culture?

How are marginalized communities represented in our culture? How are stereotypes deployed against them? In order to successfully articulate your answer, you must explain the concept of “cultural citizenship” (using your own words, drawn from course material… not the dictionary).
The way you’ll answer this question is through evaluation of a television show (by using examples across several episodes of the series).
Given everything you’ve written in answering the above questions, your
essay will conclude by arguing whether “Hollywood” has a responsibility
to educate the public or merely entertain them.
*pay particular attention to the How TV Frames The Working Class
documentary and
the associated questions posted to Blackboard – but you must use your own original analysis.
If you address the questions above in order, that should be a satisfying outline for your essay. If you have questions, please let me know.
Your essay will be a minimum of 750-words.
You will use any format that you’re familiar with as long as you use it correctly and consistently
( should be helpful if you need it).
You will use in-text citations of a minimum of 4 different sources from our course material
(readings and/or videos from units 1-3).
You will not consider outside sources because this is not a research paper. You will only use the course material from the first three units of our course.
NOTE: I will attach all of the documents and readings to complete this assignment

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