Section 3.4

For patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), oral medication adherence to treat hyperkalemia will improve their healthcare outcomes. Using knowledge translation plan do study act as intervention, implement printed materials regarding hyperkalemia into a 200 patient nephrology practice and evaluate the experience. The stakeholders include the dietician, doctor, and nursing staff who will continue to educate the patients. The nursing staff will be offering pillpack information and administering additional educational materials at predetermined intervals and the Marisky screening pre/post-test. The evaluaAssignment duration is 10 weeks for implementation. Include the 1 & 2 references below in the final work.
1) Straus, S., Tetroe, J., & Graham, I. D. (2013). Knowledge translation in health care: Moving from evidence to practice (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ :Wiley-Blackwell.
Section 3.4
2) White, K. M., Dudley-Brown, S., & Terhaar, M. F. (2021). Translation of evidence into nursing and health care (3rd ed.). New York, New York: Springer.
Chapters 8-9, 13-15

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