Are my ideas of more awareness about domestic violence credible?

Hi class,
The following assignment is meant to help you prepare for your persuasive speech coming up next week! Please write the introduction and conclusion portion of your outline for your persuasive speech. Essentially, this means that you are filling out each of the elements below in outline form (ONLY including the introduction and conclusion- not the body). Please use short, brief complete sentences for the purposes of this assignment!
Remember, this is a persuasive speech! You must utilize persuasive language, as well as compel your audience. You should have your organizational format and main points ready (problem-solution will be 2 main points or problem-cause-solution, 3 main points). Work on attention getter to make it creative and persuasive! Also, be sure to end your conclusion on a strong and compelling note. You are always welcome to change your outline prior to submission on the deadline.
Your Introduction/Conclusion Assignment will be graded on a pass/no pass basis based on if you completed the assignment fully. If you would like additional feedback or to work through ideas, let me know and I would be more than happy to meet with you on zoom to chat!
I. (Attention-getter)
II. (Establish Credibility)
III. (Introduce topic/ Thesis)
IV. (Preview main points)
IV. (Conclusion topic sentence/ return to attention getter)
A. (Review main points)
B. (Restate thesis)
C. (End with a persuasive closing) I WILL SEND YOU MY PROPOSAL TO GO OFF OF. MY TOPIC IS DOMESTIC ABUSE. Enhanced Awareness of Domestic Violence
Please state your specific purpose statement.
There are various portrayals and discussions regarding domestic violence. However, little has been achieved on its awareness front. I would be discussing more awareness on domestic violence.
Explain why you are particularly interested in this topic. (
United Nations (n.d.) defines domestic violence as a “pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner… [comprising] physical, sexual, emotional, economic or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person” (para. 1). The occurrence predisposition to close relations make the behavior often go unquestioned. These attributes further make the behavior effec all gender, race, class, sexual orientation, and ages.
Why do you believe this topic is relevant or essential for your audience to hear? (pathos)
Thebehavior does not bias between or among common human dispositions such as race, gender, or affiliations. Domestic violence could affect everyone. Moreover, the main concern regarding domestic violence is the propensity of the abuse to enhance in severity and frequency after the initial expression, which takes the form of economic, physical, mental, or combination (United Nations, n.d.). This behavior is nessecary for people to make more efforts by to raise more awareness.
Describe the organizational pattern you use to outline your main points (problem-solution, problem-cause-solution, etc. )
I utilize the problem-cause-solution organizational pattern to highlight the various factors concerning domestic violence. The problems involve the behavior itself. Meanwhile, the causes include economic, physical, and mental abuse that affects domestic violence. The solution regards the proposal to raise more awareness on the issue to enhance its address.
What questions or objections might your audience have to the claim or argument being made that you will address/refute in your speech?
The domestic violence topic is broad in scope and extent at the communal level (United Nations, n.d.). Therefore, several issues and questions might arise in its address for more awareness. They include the current awareness measures in place to address domestic violence. Secondly, the audience might be interested in knowing if the current measures are working and to what extent. Lastly, there may be a concern about the confidentiality of expression since the issue primarily affects people close to each other.
Lastly, do you have any questions you would like to pose to your peers reading this response?
Are my ideas of more awareness about domestic violence credible? Did Iaddress domestic violence’s critical factors, such as who it affects?what would be the best way to handle such a topic?
United Nations. (n.d.). What is domestic abuse?…Links to an external site.

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