This critical thinking assignment must follow the formatting guidelines in the P

This critical thinking assignment must follow the formatting guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain a title page, between two (2) full pages and four (4) full pages of content, and a reference page.
You must have at least four (4) scholarly references to support your arguments. Because Business Analytics is constantly evolving, all of your references must be within the last five (5) years. You must provide a link for each reference for my review. For each assignment, you are permitted to use a maximum of two (2) course’s reading material articles (regardless of the week assigned) as references.
Do not use bullets or numbers to answer the questions. Your paper needs to be an essay. You need to integrate the multiple questions and topics into a single cohesive narrative.
Feel free to be creative in your writing. You can use your course reading material (limit of two (2)), personal experience, and any scholarly web resource to find information for your paper (Note: Wikipedia is not a scholarly source).

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