A minimum of 10 unique and appropriate references for this assignment is expected.

Choose some creative person -alive or dead- who you admire or want to know more about. After researching the subject (reading books, articles, or gathering information in different ways, such as through interviews) write a paper that addresses aspects of the following topic areas in a clear, cohesive, well-supported way.
1. Traits and Motivations
Many who try to account for individuals’ creativity see it rooted in the personality and motivation of productive individuals. They identify as important the personality traits of confidence, preference for complexity, tolerance for ambiguity, problem sensitivity, risk-taking, courage, commitment to task, openness (to the rational and non-rational), androgyny, flexibility, perseverance, keen sensory awareness, among many others. In what ways does your subject′s life confirm or disconfirm this explanation? Cite evidence to support your position.
2. Development and Environment
Some researchers of creativity and innovation see the subject′s environment as highly significant in the forming of creative lives. They cite position in family (first born), early life events (early personal illness or trauma – e.g., death of a parent or sibling) or the presence of key figures in the life (as mentors or adversaries) as significant to the development of the subject′s creativeness. How would you describe and explain the development of your subject′s productivity and creativity? Cite evidence to support your position.
3. Reflection
Each life is a lesson to all. What lesson(s) or message(s) did your subject′s life convey to you? How will you act on, respond to, use it or its implications in your own life? Explain!
The paper should be a minimum of 3-4 pages in length, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced with one-inch (1”) margins throughout as appropriate. This is a major research project in the course and should be treated as such. A minimum of 10 unique and appropriate references for this assignment is expected. All submitted assignments should be completed using the report format, APA style must be used, and references cited where appropriate (for help with APA, check out):
Your assignment report must be submitted via blackboard as a Word or pdf document (all other formats are not acceptable) in module 6.
(10 points)

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