There is no need to document additional source material since you won’t be using orreferencing it directly.formatting requirementsnote: deductions of up to 5% per item may apply to submissions that don’t adhere to therequirements below. set the line spacing for your document at 2.0 use a times new roman font, 12 point font size. number your pages in the bottom right corner. do not include a title page. in the top left corner of the first page, type the following information: your name the class name

WRIT 120: Paraphrasing a parts and process analysis (15%)The purpose of this paraphrasing assessment is to evaluate your understanding of the differencebetween physical desсrіption and process analysis. Your reading comprehension ability, spatialability, sequential logic, and paraphrasing skills will also be evaluated.A note about plagiarism A failing grade will be given to submissions that contain the same wording and sentencestructure as the text and glossary, or that copy text from Internet sources. Excessive plagiarismwill result in a grade of 0, and students whose assignments contain it may be charged withan Academic Offense. Your experienced professor is ever watchful for students who use online paraphrasing robots orwho copy text directly from external sources and claim it as their own. Whether this text comesfrom Internet sources, other students’ writing, or the source text for the assignment, plagiarisedassignments will be dealt with accordingly.Assignment overviewYou will write two paragraphs, each paraphrased from the attached source text on steam-assistedgravity drainage (SAGD) technology. This is the same technology you read about for Quiz 2, butthis text has extra information in it. Your assignment is to write, in this order, A Parts Analysis that describes all the components used for extraction and production A Process Analysis that explains the sequence of steps for the extraction and productionprocess.While you may wish to use Internet sources to assist you in completing the assignment, yourparagraphs must be based entirely on the source text and must only contain information found inthat text. There is no need to document additional source material since you won’t be using orreferencing it directly.Formatting requirementsNOTE: Deductions of up to 5% per item may apply to submissions that don’t adhere to therequirements below. Set the line spacing for your document at 2.0 Use a Times New Roman font, 12 point font size. Number your pages in the bottom right corner. Do not include a title page. In the top left corner of the first page, type the following information: Your name The class name and section code My name The submission date. On the same page as the information above, centre the heading “Steam-AssistedGravity Drainage.” You may use the acronym for the technology after you identify itin the first sentence of your first paragraph. Left-align the sub-headers, “Parts Analysis” and “Process Analysis” for theparagraphs. Write a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 250 words for each paragraph. Submit your assignment in Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or .pdf formats
Content requirements Include an overview sentence that previews each paragraph’s content. Other than this overview, do not include any introductory or concluding information. Include only information that focuses on the information types requested. Write in grammatical sentences, avoid repetitious or irrelevant content, and paraphrase(use your own wording and sentence structure). You are expected to proofread your writing before submitting it for evaluation. Use the evaluation criteria document as a checklist to ensure you’ve met the contentrequirements.How to submit your assignment Do not submit by e-mail or Course Message. All assignments are to be submitted throughBlackboard. Use the “Submission” box at the bottom of the Assignment screen When you click inside the box, a tool bar will appear with multiple icons. Select the paperclip icon, which will allow you to attach a Word or .PDF file. A window will appear where you can change the attributes of your file. Rename your filewith your last name first, followed by “Parts and Process.” Once you submit, a confirmation will appear on the screen. It will look like this

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