List your three career choices and specify the fit (strong, good, fair, or weak).

I will put my science result and the rubic require bellow in material. Please follow the step. The purpose of the Assessment assignment is to provide students with a hands-on experience of utilizing You Science, an aptitude and career discovery tool, facilitated by FRCC Career Services. The “You Science” results will be a tool to help you as you explore career options and will guide you as you work through the Careers and Communications Assignments. The goal of YouScience is to help students uncover and understand their natural abilities (aka your unique value proposition) and find the career paths that will best use those talents. Review your assessment results. Consider how your results may enhance your job search, including identifying jobs and career paths, identifying your aptitudes and strengths, and using details and vocabulary in your skills match outline/table, cover letter and resume. Share your discovery in the summary and discussion questions section below. Address each of the 6 assignment questions below. Provide a thorough response with details of your results. Utilize relevant examples from the You Science results to illustrate your points. Use complete sentences with few or no grammatical/spelling errors. Written response entails a minimum of 300 words.
Please follow the assignment questions.
Assignment Questions:
1) Share a summary of your results including the descriptions of your results, “You are a ….” What did you find most intriguing about your results?
2) Identify three career choices then review the career field matching details. List your three career choices and specify the fit (Strong, Good, Fair, or Weak). Explain why you choose those specific careers/fields. What did you learn about the field matching with those careers/ fields?
3) What was your overall experience in taking the You Science assessment?
4) Do you agree or disagree with the results?
5) How might you utilize the results as a tool in how you approach career exploration and/or how you approach work.
6) What did you learn abobciut your interpersonal relations/communication capabilities?

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