Please write a 500-word response to the prompt, citing any resources used.

Please Write a 500-word response to the prompt, citing any resources used. AMA, APA, MLA, Chicago style are all acceptable. Please use proper writing mechanics and citations. Up to 10 points will be taken off for poor grammar, spelling, and references.
Jimmy is in Anatomy and Physiology class and started learning about bone growth and osteoporosis. He started to worry about his grandmother because she fell last year and broke her hip. It took her a long time to heal, so Jimmy is worried about her bone density, especially as his grandmother gets older.
What are concerns during aging that may affect Jimmy’s grandmother’s bone health?
How does vitamin D play a role in osteoporosis?
What other hormone can be a factor in calcium breakdown in the body?
If there are low calcium levels, how does this affect the nervous and muscular system?
Write a response to these questions to Jimmy can help educate his grandmother abobciut the risks of osteoporosis.

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