Please provide a broad perspective of this issue.

Post the question you have been assigned and your answer to that question. Assignment needs to be a minimum of 300 words. Your answer to the question needs to incorporate and make specific reference to the textbook.
The references need to be discussed as to how they apply to your observations in response to the assignment question. Remember to cite your sources—give credit where credit is due.
At the end of your assignment post a question to the class related to the question you have answered.
The question needs to be related to the topic—something you might have thought about when you were completing your assignment.
5. Discuss the reasons why community treatment has failed those with schizophrenia. Discuss what often happens to people with serious mental disorders who are not treated effectively. Please provide a broad perspective of this issue.
Book to reference is Comer, R. J., & Comer, J. S. (2021). Abnormal psychology. Worth Publishers.

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