The model needs to be identified and detailed information needs to be discussed in support for the model(s) as to how and why it best explains the etiology of the disorder.

Case study is found in book: A Gorenstein, E., Comer, R. (2015) Case studies in abnormal psychology 2nd. New York, NY; Worth Publishers.
Case Study #13—Schizophrenia
Patient name is Jim
1. CASE: Describe the salient features of the case. Sufficient information needs to be provided
so others can understand the case study.
2. DIAGNOSIS: What is the diagnosis for the person in the case study? The diagnosis needs
to be clearly stated. Provide the diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis identified and describe
the behaviors from the case study that support each of the diagnostic criteria that apply to the
person in the case study.
3. MEDICAL CONDITIONS: Are there any medical conditions that are important to the
understanding or management of the individual’s mental disorder? If so, please identify and
discuss how it is important. If not, then indicate that there are no medical conditions that would
4. PSYCHOSOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS. List the titles of the areas that
apply and support your observations with information from the case study.
• Problems with primary support group including family circumstances
• Problems related to the social environment
• Problems related to life management difficulty
• Problems relating to lifestyle
• Problems related to education and literacy
• Problems related to employment and unemployment
• Problems related to housing and economic circumstances
• Problems with access to health care services
• Problems related to interaction with the legal system/crime
• Problems related to other psychosocial and environmental problems
• Problems related to negative events in childhood
5. MODEL: Discuss what Model of Abnormality best explains the causes (etiology) of the
disorder in this case? What information supports your answer? The model needs to be identified
and detailed information needs to be discussed in support for the model(s) as to how and why
it best explains the etiology of the disorder. It is possible to use more than one model, but solid
information needs to be provided for each model. Discuss the specifics of the model and the
specifics of the case study that support the model. Do not discuss treatments in this section.
Keep in mind that the treatments for a particular disorder are not necessarily the same Model that
explains the etiology.

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