AB Prep Assignment

Find one article from the library databases about your issue on the national (United States) level for your annotated bibliography. Create an APA-style cover page, create a proper APA citation for the source, include the link to the article, and write a one-paragraph summary of at least 300 words that includes quotes from the article with proper in-text citation. Then, write an evaluation paragraph that explains why it is a credible source (who wrote it, what is his/her/their qualifications or authority in the field, where and when it was published, what other elements make it a credible source?).
You can find the library databases in this link: https://researchguides.cpcc.edu/cpcclibrarytutorials
you have to find one article from the library databases from the link. and about this issue:
the issue that I chose for this semester is: Major factors affecting food industry to remain competitive globally.

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