In a brief essay (approximately 1 page single spaced or 2 pages double spaced, j

In a brief essay (approximately 1 page single spaced or 2 pages double spaced, just like previous assignments), you will briefly summarize the situation, identify the ethical dilemma you selected, and identify the ethical system to be applied. Then, you will describe how the dilemma would be resolved according to the specific ethical system, including a rich rationale (i.e., WHAT a follower of the system would do and WHY). Use your new ethics vocabulary.
The situation: You must select a situation that meets the criteria listed below. Feel free to examine world events or local news or to talk to your family and friends about possible situations. Research is not required but is encouraged. If you do choose to take a situation from a news source / blog / podcast / video, then you must cite the source. Make sure the situation
1. is relevant / interesting to you
2. is contemporary / occurs today
3. is either macro or micro (in society at large or at home)
4. is highly specific
5. contains an actual dilemma – not a technical problem but an ethical one
The ethical dilemma: You must identify a clear dilemma. It might be a binary choice (do this or don’t do this) or it might be an open-ended dilemma (given this situation, what should one do). Both are acceptable. Be specific. You will submit your situation and ethical dilemma to me for pre-approval as Discussion Board #8 to ensure that you are on the right track.
The ethical system: You must select any of the following systems that we have covered this semester: Virtue Ethics, Epicurianism, Ethical Egoism, Stoicism, Objectivism, Deontology, Utilitarianism, Machiavellianism, Nihilism, Ethics of Care. Specify your choice clearly.
The solution: You must use your chosen system to explain how someone who follows this system (give them a name, perhaps?) would solve the ethical dilemma. Be specific. Use the appropriate vocabulary and use it correctly. Use clear logic to draw your conclusions.
Citation: No research is required for this assignment; however, if you DO take information from any source other than class lectures / course notes, then you must cite your sources. Use whichever citation system you are used to (APA, AIAA, IEEE, APS, MLA, Boston, etc.) for both internal and external citation (i.e., citing inside your paper and including a References page).

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