Overview For this assignment, you will apply Badrul Khan’s Web-Based Framework

For this assignment, you will apply Badrul Khan’s Web-Based Framework to evaluate an online course offered by a corporate organization for training purposes, academic course, or a virtual high school course.
Using a course of your choice, answer the questions outlined in the Matrix for Evaluation of E-Learning Courses.
After answering and commenting on each question in the matrix, evaluate how well the course meets the eight dimensions of Khan’s Web-Based Framework.
Write a 4 page paper in which you:
1. Answer the questions in the matrix about the selected course.
Add the matrix with the questions and your answers as an appendix in your paper.
2. Describe and evaluate the selected online course offered by a corporate organization for training purposes, academic institution, or a virtual high school, including:
Type of course.
Target learners.
Delivery method (such as text, audio, or video lecture).
3. Describe and evaluate your chosen online course, including:
Types of instructor-student communication.
Collaboration opportunities.
Two other key features.
4. Evaluate the selected online course using nine dimensions of Khan’s Web-Based Framework.

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