please use the book “Princeton Readings in Political Thought” 2nd edition, publi

please use the book “Princeton Readings in Political Thought” 2nd edition, published by Princeton Univ Press c/o Perseus, and the author’s name is Cohen. please, do not use any external sources other than this book. cite
the book at the end of the writing. Also, please choose the 5 easiest questions for you.
You must answer any five questions. These are short essay questions. So, each answer should be approximately 2 to 3 reasonable and cogent paragraphs. You will submit these questions as a single document (either a Word doc or PDF) via Canvas. If you have any problems submitting this assignment, please email it to your instructor.
1- Compare and contrast the theories of justice in the thinking of Plato and Aristotle.
2- List and evaluate the radical ideas presented in Plato’s Republic.
3- State and evaluate Aristotle’s theory of slavery.
4- Appraise the Student Movement (or more contemporary civil rights movements like the Black Lives Matter movement) in their practice of law-breaking in light of Aquinas’s Doctrine of Law.
5- Compare the Social Contract theories of the following:
6- State the principles of Rousseau and Locke (or others), which most influenced the formulators of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.
7- Compare Machiavelli and Kant on the question of moral principles.

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