This Summer class is winding down. Start of Fall semster in two weeks. 150 words

This Summer class is winding down. Start of Fall semster in two weeks. 150 words for this reply. Must incorporate at least 2 scholarly sources in Bluebook format. Acceptable sources include the textbooks, Bible, law review articles, or other
articles that include legal sources as reference. I will post another classmate for you to respnond to, when asnotherr thread is posted.
This is the question. this is the secind part of the assignemnet you did for me. Professor Berman asserts that natural law, legal positivism, and historical jurisprudence should be integrated to explain, justify, and guide the development of law in the latter part of the twentieth century. Please choose a contemporary legal issue in the United States and explain whether the three schools could successfully be integrated to reach a result that is consistent with biblical principles.

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