Which part of the class did you find most meaningful and/or helpful (please expl

Which part of the class did you find most meaningful and/or helpful (please explain your answer)?
If you were to give the instructor one piece of advice about how to improve learning in the class, what would that be?
Please reflect on the assignments in this class, which did you like the most and why?
Please continue to reflect on the assignments in this class, which did you like the least and why?
Please read over the course level student learning outcomes for this class (see below). Which outcomes has this class met? Please explain.
Are there any course outcomes that you believe have not been met? If yes, how could the class be modified to better meet these outcomes?
Speech 100 Student Learning Outcomes
After this class you will be able to:
A. Identify the elements of the communication model as they apply to public speaking contexts.
B. Prepare and deliver an oral presentation.
C. Demonstrate ability to manage communication apprehension.
D. Compose a written speech outline.
E. Demonstrate an understanding of evidence and its role in speech writing.
Would you recommend this class to a friend? why? why not? (please explain your answer).
Do you plan to enroll in any additional communication studies courses in the future? If yes, which ones?
Are you familiar with our Certificate of Achievement
(Links to an external site.)
that you can earn after taking just 4 classes? Many of those classes can count toward meeting your GE requirements
(Links to an external site.)
? After completing this class, how many total communication studies classes have you taken at Cerritos College? Please list them by number/name.
Any additional feedback that you would like to provide the instructor to continue to improve this class for future students?

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