comparative analysis of Sir Gawain and BeowulfComparative Analysis You will comp

comparative analysis of Sir Gawain and BeowulfComparative Analysis
You will compare and contrast two different folk tales from your textbook. You may focus on one or more of the different literary and style elements we have discussed. Write a three page (750 word) essay comparing the two stories you have chosen. Your essay must have:
1. An introduction that clearly refers to both texts. Your introduction should not be a summary of the story or stories.
2. A complex thesis, which mentions the points of comparison
3. At least 2 – 3 specific points of comparison between the texts
You may focus on similarities, differences, or both. DO NOT try to cover all the literary elements. Pick no more than three points of comparison.
Note: This assignment does not require research. It is based on your personal analysis. Please DO NOT use outside sources.

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