My selected targeted behavior: PROCRASTINATION Begin the introduction secti

My selected targeted behavior: PROCRASTINATION
Begin the introduction section by reviewing at least 3 studies that examine the association between that health behavior and physical health, disease, mortality, etc. (see behavior change assignment 1). These are the first three articles you reviewed for the first assignment. (30 pts)
What ways have been studied to modify this behavior? What interventions have been examined in the previous literature? Review at least 3 studies that examine the effect of an intervention on health behavior. These are the second three articles you have already reviewed to design your intervention. (30 pts)
End your introduction section with a paragraph briefly summarizing your current study in general terms. Be sure to state what hypothesized effects (e.g. increase, decrease) will your intervention have on your target behavior. (20 pts)
Begin the method section by briefly describing the participant (yourself). Next describe how you measured your behavior (i.e. your behavioral coding system) for each phase of the project: baseline and intervention. Then describe your intervention be sure to include enough detail so that someone else could replicate your study. (40 pts)
Results section: Report means for baseline and intervention phases (30 pts). Include a figure or graph that depicts your results (10 pts). The text of this section will be very brief.
Begin the discussion section by summarizing your findings and placing them in context. How effective was the intervention? Based on your data, did it have the hypothesized effect on your target behavior? Describe other external (peer pressure/social support, life stressors, environmental constraints) or internal (personality, coping, sense of control, other health issues) factors that may have influenced your results. What would you do differently next time? (20 pts)
Discuss your results in relation to the pervious studies in the literature– be specific. How was your experience similar or different? Why? (20 pts)
Include a brief discussion of generalizability: would your intervention work for someone else? Why or why not? What traits, resources, characteristics, etc. are important? (10 pts)
Paper should be in APA format throughout (30 pts)
Your paper should include a:
introduction (summary of literature on the implications of the target behavior for health and disease, and a review of literature on interventions designed to change this behavior)
method (description of how you measured target behavior, outcome and a detailed description of intervention used)
results (baseline and intervention means or frequencies; figures and descriptions; NO STATISTICAL TESTS ARE NECESSARY)
discussion (conclusions about effectiveness of intervention, recommendations for future)
References (APA format).

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