Presentation Start Assignment Due Friday by 5pm Points 50 Submitting a website u

Start Assignment
Due Friday by 5pm Points 50 Submitting a website url, a media recording, or a file upload
For this assignment, you will create a Powerpoint or Prezi presentation that provides an argument for why you think a text is a good example of “world literature.” Please note: you cannot select any of the texts we studied this term. Check the syllabus for a complete list of texts that are not acceptable for this assignment. Students who present on an unacceptable text will receive a 0 for the presentation assignment.
Once you select a text, your presentation should address the following questions: What is “worldly” about the text? Why did it transcend its culture of production? What does it teach us? How is it relevant to our contemporary lives? What lessons can we learn from it?
The presentation needs to be largely image-based (not a bunch of words on the slides). It needs to include at least one relevant map that you find on your own (in other words — not one of the maps that I used in class this term). You can circle back to Discussion #1, What is “World Literature?” to see examples.
Specifically, your presentation should:
1. Provide at least 6 and not more than 8 slides with meaningful content and information;
2. Make an argument about the selected text using images along with a limited number of words on each slide;
3. Feature relevant images that conveys information to the viewer;
4. Make an argument for why the text is a good example of world literature. You can use the “Notes” to provide additional information or context. You can also narrate your presentation.
5. Include additional slide to list the works cited, including all of the images used in the presentation. This works cited slide does not count as one of the 6-8 presentation slides.
6. Above all, the presentation should be original and creative!
Please use MLA style guidelines to format slides and parenthetical references. In addition, make sure that your presentation is accessible. Accessibility guidelines can be found here: Guidelines for Accessible Presentations
(Links to an external site.)
Your presentation must be original. Using information and material from lectures is unnecessary. If you feel very strongly about using a fact from one of my lectures, please be sure to cite the presentation as you would any other secondary source. Failure to cite sources — even course materials — is plagiarism, a serious academic offense with serious consequences,

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