Make up 20 psych case logs using a downloaded sample document. Make sure you ad

Make up 20 psych case logs using a downloaded sample document.
Make sure you add chief complaint, patient initials,HPI, assessment, different multiple psych Diagnoses, treatments with medication, recommendations, and follow-up.
Just like below
CC. “Fine fine”
HPI: S: “I have been having a lot of flashbacks.” O: SC is a 69-year-old African American female who presents with increased depression and anxiety complaints. She has been having active DID episodes and is seeing a therapist that specializes in DID. She sees her therapist every week and reports depressive episodes with “one alters” and satanic abuse. Endorse AH/VH but denies Suicidal and homicidal ideations. A: DID, Multiple personality disorders. P: Continue Sertraline 125mg daily, Lorazepam 1mg as needed, and change Trazodone from 50 mg QHS to 75 mg QHS. f/u visit in 4 weeks.

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