Your will use the information written on your Ethical Vignette Paper Assignment

Your will use the information written on your Ethical Vignette Paper Assignment to continue with the Ethical Decision-Making Model outlined in the Practitioners Guide for Ethical Decision Making and apply the content to the Ethical Dilemma Presentation PowerPoint template. Once complete, you will record a 10-15 min video (approximately 11-15 slides, including the title and references slides) presenting your ethical dilemma as you work through the Ethical Decision.
Review the feedback received from the instructor on the Ethical Vignette Paper Assignment make any corrections noted. Make sure you incorporate all feedback provided.
Step 2: Once you have applied the feedback from your instructor, use the information from your corrected Ethical Vignette Paper assignment to complete steps 1-4 in the Ethical Dilemma Presentation PowerPoint template. Do not just copy and paste the content. Make sure you reduce the content into bullet points. The slide content should be minimal. Summarize the information and make sure the required information is addressed within steps 1-4. See the Ethical Vignette Assignment Instructions for more information. Use the Ethical Dilemma Presentation Student Example Guide for additional support.
Your final presentation document must include:
 Approximately 11-15 slides, including the title and references slides.
 The following 7-8 references are required and must be cited verbally, intext, and
included on the reference slides:
• The 2014 ACA Code of Ethics, your State Ethical Codes/Mental Health Laws, the
two course textbooks, and the Practitioner’s Guide for Ethical Decision Making.
• 2-3 additional scholarly sources (scholarly journal articles published within the last
5 years) related to the identified problem and moral principle specific to the
counseling profession. Materials must be outside of course materials, and materials
from other classes.

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