Part I Discussions Post : You are Christian and your classmates are 68% vaccinat

Part I Discussions Post : You are Christian and your classmates are 68% vaccinated. The University has now mandated vaccinations. In the last 12 years you have opted out of vaccinations and do your best by living purely, not engaging in drugs, premarital sex etc, though you have been praying you feel spiritually convicted about being vaccinated.
Part 1. Please provide a statement explaining the religious belief or practice that necessitates this request for exemption. Please state why the COVID-19 vaccination requirement is contrary to your sincerely held religious practice or belief.
PART II Reply to your classmate (John) “You, your, siblings, husband and children have been getting vaccinated for years why stop now?”
Must be completely by 1:59 am 11/30/2021 worth 100 pts
I look forward to your quality feedback.

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