1. Question : Behavioral psychologists have demonstrated that people learn
best with immediate ____________________.
Student Answer:
punishment for inappropriate behavior
reinforcement of appropriate behavior
peer pressure
financial rewards
2. Question : ____________________ is required to assimilate what has been
learned, to accept it, to internalize it, and to build confidence in it.
Student Answer:
Group discussion
3. Question : Most of the money in a training budget is spent on ____________________.
Student Answer:
training materials
training facilities
instructor salaries
seminars and conferences
4. Question : All of the following represent the philosophy espoused in Peter
Senge’s landmark book, The Fifth Discipline, except:
Student Answer:
Trainers are the driving force behind any successful organization
Teams are the core performance units in organizations
Leadership occurs at many levels in an organization
Championship of human values in the workplace
5. Question : According to the book, The Fifth Discipline, which of the
following disciplines is the one upon which are others are based?
Student Answer:
Team Learning
Shared Vision
Mental Models
Personal Mastery
Systems Thinking
6. Question : When members of a team suspend their assumptions and take
up a think together mode that embraces the collective good and eschews self-interest, it is a phenomenon called ____________________.
Student Answer:
7. Question : The intelligent career framework involves all the following ways of knowing except:
Student Answer:
When we work
Why we work
How we work
With whom we work
8. Question : The most significant shift for a person in ____________________ is to
accept the decisions of subordinates without second-guessing them.
Student Answer:
Stage I
Stage II
Stage III
Stage IV
9. Question : Career development programs are most valuable when they are all of the following except:
Student Answer:
Directed primarily toward middle and upper management
Open to all employees
Modified when evaluation indicates that change is necessary
Offered regularly
10. Question : Consequences of unrealistic aspirations and routine initial
assignments typically include all of the following except:
Student Answer:
Low productivity
Low job satisfaction
Low satisfaction of growth needs
Low satisfaction of self-actualization needs
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