Week 6 Group Discussion 1: Practice Theory Evaluation Value: 100 points Due: In

Week 6
Group Discussion 1: Practice Theory Evaluation
Value: 100 points
Due: In an effort to facilitate scholarly discourse, create your initial post by Day 3, and reply to at least two of your classmates, on two separate days, by Day 7.
Gradebook Category: Discussions
For this discussion, you will be evaluating Willis, DeSanto-Madeya, & Fawcett (2015). Moving beyond dwelling in suffering: A situation-specific theory of men’s healing from childhood maltreatment (PDF). Nursing Science Quarterly, 28(1), 57–63.
Initial Post
For your initial post, your group should collaborate to address the following:
Situation-Specific Theory Evaluation Criteria
1. Complexity/Simplicity: Is the theory complex or simple? Explain.
2. Clarity
a. Is the theory understandable? Why or why not?
b. How could this theory be made more understandable? Describe.
3. Parsimony
a. Is the theory concise or wordy?
b. Provide examples.
4. Socio-cultural Utility
a. Does the theory attend to diversity?
b. If so, how?
c. If not, suggest one way it can be refined to address diversity using at least one reference to support your suggestion.
d. Accuracy
1. Is the theory relevant to nursing today?
2. If yes, provide an example of its relevance.
3. If not, please explain.
Your initial post should contain be a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 750 words. The post should integrate a minimum of three readings and/or other evidence-based research articles no more than three years old and use APA formatting for citations and references.
Week 6: Learning Materials
• McEwen, M., & Wills, E. (2019). Theoretical Basis for Nursing Practice (5th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
o Chapter 4: Theory Development: Structuring Conceptual Relationships in Nursing—Read the “Categorizations of Theory” section
o Chapter 18: Learning Theories
• Peterson, S. J., & Bredow, T. S. (2020). Middle range theories: Application to nursing research (5th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
o Chapter 1: Introduction to the Nature of Nursing Knowledge
o Chapter 2: Analysis, Evaluation, and Selection of a Middle Range Nursing Theory
Required Resources
• Wills, D. G., DeSanto-Madeya, S., & Fawcett, J. (2015). Moving beyond dwelling in suffering: A situation-specific theory of men’s healing from childhood maltreatment. Nursing Science Quarterly, 28(1), 57–63.
• David, L. (2014, July 18).Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Learning Theories.
• Instructional Design. (n.d.). Social learning theory.
• Pappas, C. (2013, May 9). The adult learning theory andragogy of Malcolm Knowles.
• Pro-Change Behavior Systems, Inc. (n.d.).The transtheoretical model.

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