•Examine the issue from a historical and contemporary perspective and clearly sh

•Examine the issue from a historical and contemporary
perspective and clearly show how aspects of at least two of these
themes–resistance, rebellion, religion, and protest–have relevance and
resonance with this issue.
•Mention which theory (conflict, functionalist, critical
race) is the best framework for examining the issue and clearly articulate why.
•Discuss the present status or outcomes associated with this
issue and whether more needs to be done to resolve the issue.
•Provide practical recommendations for moving forward based
on your knowledge/research.
•If this issue has been addressed sufficiently, provide
evidence of this and state the impact that policy or decisions made concerning
issue currently has on African Americans.
· only use reputable or scholarly sources,
such as journal or magazine articles, books, etc.
Five pages – does not include cover or reference page. New times roman 12ft, Turnit page attached

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