PART 1 Required (C05.1): Read the Heinz dilemma (Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Dev

Required (C05.1): Read the Heinz dilemma (Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development), and consider what you would do if you were in his place. Write down your answer and the reasons behind it. How would your answer fit in Kohlberg’s stages? Are there other responses that Kohlberg would consider “more moral”? If so, how do you feel about this? Do you think Kohlberg’s “Heinz dilemma” is a good measure of one’s morality? Explain.
Additionally, Select ONE of the questions below to discuss.
Are people fairly accurate when making attributions about why they have experienced difficulties? What about when good things happen?
Describe and illustrate internal and external attributions. What difficulties can occur if individuals are excessively internal in their attributions? What about someone who is excessively external?
Recall a time when you or someone you know made an attributional error. What were the circumstances that led to the error and what was the impact of the error?
How does our individualistic culture tend to support correspondence bias? Explain.
Using an example to support your ideas, explain what has been called the “victim mentality” in terms of attribution.
For centuries, people have believed myths and misconceptions about psychological disorders and the people who suffer from them. Modern psychological research has allowed us to correct some of these misconceptions. As a result, many people have changed their ideas about mental and emotional disorders. Think of a common misconception you have observed in society or in your personal experience. How could information from research be used to change people’s views of psychological disorders? How can this information help us to better understand people who experience mental and emotional disorders?
In a multi-paragraph essay, describe the misconception you observed and discuss how information from research could be used to change this misconception about
psychological disorders and the people who suffer from them. Be sure to include details from class materials, readings, and research on psychological disorders to
support your discussion.

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